Portrait of Practitioner providing Coaching and Support, walking clients through Multiple Healing Opportunities

I help you find and remove obvious & hidden stressors to achieve optimal health!

The roadmap to uncover your health gems looks different than anything you’ve experienced. No Band-aids, No Medical-treatments! With the use of carefully chosen functional labs and in-depth investigation we will uncover your unique Metabolic Chaos® and work through my Re-lifestyle Training.

Most people just want to know what's “wrong with me” or... the latest term is “get to the root cause". While the later is a worthy venture, what if I told you that your symptom or symptoms may not always tie perfectly back to "THE CAUSE". Many times your complaints are a combination of MULTIPLE healing opportunities, genetics, and other factors which we will work IN-DEPTH to uncover.  

Each person has unique deficits and strengths in areas and the presenting symptoms can vary greatly from person to person. It's my job to navigate you through your complex individualized Metabolic Chaos® and help with your unique set of differences.

Picture of someone holding a Gem as a representation of helping your process to find Your Health Gems!

the fdn® method

Every Cell, Tissue and Organ knows what its job is. There’s a lot of hinderances to your health these days and many people have went to multiple places for help before they find a Functionally-trained Practitioner. I believe that God has a design and when we work against it, we cause stress and eventually symptoms. I will work with you on our DRESS for Health Success® program. There are many coming to FDNs for help because this system outperforms! Our investigation includes HIDDEN+O—Hormones, Immunity, Digestion, Detoxification, Energy Production, Nervous System, and Oxidative Stress. When we get a wound our body immediately goes into healing action. We work under this same premise. Research more about FDN HERE. Set up your time with me if you are fully tired of feeling stuck and truly ready to do the work.

Just want to hear from me for added Health Gems? I’ll send you education and suggestions to help you along your health journey. Subscribe below, or… if you are ready to start your in-depth health building program schedule HERE.