Portrait of Practitioner prepared to walk you through a Program of healing, restoring, not treating

My name is Erica Burns, and I am a Certified Functional Diagnostic Practitioner (FDNP). The Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® approach is like no other. When a client is highly committed WE work through a program of multiple healing opportunities. Every cell, tissue and organ knows its job and as we work on improving function the body will respond positively.

My job is to investigate YOUR stressors hindering optimal health and guide you to make lifestyle changes to give your body a leg-up towards balance. This is more than diet improvements ~ this is a wide-brush sweep, including a full suite of labs, helping us take out the guess work. We will test, NOT GUESS.

The world of diagnosing and ICD codes is bound-up to offering you medical treatments matching your "label". Functional health work is next level. I don't have to treat your diagnosis if you have one, nor can I! Working outside of the system of diagnosing and treating takes our focus, big picture and frees us to work beyond a pill for every ill.

We will use a constellation of carefully vetted labs that will help us see your personal health building story, a very in-depth investigation and then we will work on multiple areas simultaneously. When we do this the body knows how to HEAL itself and there is a beautiful cascade affect! It’s truly remarkable when we work with our bodies and not against.

When have you ever gotten a cut or a bruise and the body not immediately started the process to heal? When we add reserve to the body it moves toward functioning optimally. If you are ready to put in the work…

We will find your HEALTH GEMS! Get your journey started today!